Celebrate spring (and your tax refund!) with a beautiful planted bowl or hanging planter from Hyland Garden Design’s Shop, Contained Exuberance.
Featured this week are low, shallow Zen bowls in cast stone, lightweight poly-resins, and hanging metals (aluminum and galvanized steel).
BLACK GRAPHITE, 18-inch diameter, lite poly bowl planted with dwarf, fluorescent sweet flag (Acorus gramineus ‘Minimus Aureus’) and Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’. The Ajuga is blooming now with the most intense spikes of blue flowers. MADE FOR THE SHADE!
ALUMINUM HOVER DISH (in powder blue) planted with Lettuce ‘Merlot’ (a romaine type) and Viola Sorbet Series ‘Coconut Swirl’ (a favorite). A HANGING EDIBLE GARDEN! Harvest outside the kitchen door within reach.